Part 2

Nutrition for cancer patients is more than just healthy eating. It is getting nutrition out of those meals in addition, to help with fighting cancer and infections.

Balanced diet is key to good nutrition for cancer patients

A healthy, balanced diet is crucial. A healthy diet that is balanced will help your body to stay more alkaline than acidic. Cancer cells thrive in acidic environments.

You should limit or cut out alcohol if you drink, and if you smoke, you really have to stop. More carcinogens going inside you to fuel cancer is not a good idea.

You can cook your vegetables, but ensure they are not over-cooked. Ideally you want to cook them at temperatures that are high enough to kill the germs and bacteria in them, but low enough to retain maximum nutrition in them. Read a little on how to retain nutrition in your foods while cooking.

Any foods that you won’t be cooking will be better off peeled to minimize any infections.

Before eating fruits and vegetables or cooking them, scrub them well with a vegetable scrub to reduce the risk of contracting any infections from eating them.

With fruits, you can make fruit smoothies. An easy way to consume lots of fruits is to juice them, blend them or make smoothies out of a wide range of them every day. Then sip with a straw and keep somewhere near you at all times.

Proper nutrition promotes alkalinity for cancer patients. Nutrition for cancer patients must be in balance.

Strive to drink your smoothies as soon as they’re made to prevent oxidation and to be able to get maximum vitamins out of them. It is better to blend them if you can instead of juicing that removes the pulp because the pulp you’ll be removing is fibre that you need to get rid of free radicals from your body.

Your attitude as a cancer patient

Your attitude will also matter. It is important that you try to have a positive mental attitude; probably most important. If you believe you can, you will.

Try to watch videos, programs and DVDs that make you that make you laugh, and that you enjoy. Sip your smoothies with a straw as you watch them or munch on healthy snacks such as fruit, nuts, cooked vegetables, low-fat youghurt.

Surround yourself with positive mental people, stay away from depressing environments. Try to not be anxious and fret, listen to music you enjoy, try to stay calm always, and run away from stress.

It’s not always easy. Nothing is easy in fact. But with a positive mental attitude and a strong, unwavering belief that you will get well, you will. You can do it!

Many have, so why not you?

If you have a helper, it is important that they understand what side effects may come from suffering from cancer, and side effects from cancer treatment. That will help them understand what you need better. They will need to understand side effects you may have, such as not being able to absorb food as well as before, loss of appetite, feeling full within a few spoons when you’re eating.

Cooking ideas for cancer patients

Cooking foods to get proper nutrition for cancer patients should also take the ability to chew well or not into account.

A weaker immune system could also mean that you can develop sores on your tongue or in the mouth, which them makes it more difficult to chew and swallow.

Cook with sauces – add tomatoes into cooked foods or grated apples which can serve as natural sauces to give some extra taste and flavour. You can also cook the apple sauce on its own and just eat with your food as natural sauce. You can cook this easily without water using healthy cookware.

You can blend tomato as well, and cook with no added oil. Add some natural condiments to give it more taste, and perhaps adding blended peppers can also be quite good. Tomatoes and peppers are rich in antioxidants and help to neutralize free radicals and therefore fight cancer.

Healthy cookware will help get more nutrition

The way your foods are cooked is of utmost importance. You cannot afford to cook the nutrients out of the food. There are healthy cookware and healthy nutrition-retaining cooking systems that enable you to get an enormous amount of nutrition out of your foods, as opposed losing a lot of it to cooking methods.

When a close relative of mine had prostate cancer, the doctors were amazed at how quickly his stitches healed because we were bang on cooking his foods in such a way that he could get maximum nutrition out of his foods. So his foods served as natural medicine and a natural healer.

As Hipprocrates once said, “let thy food be thy medicine and let thy medicine be thy food”. This is what nutrition for cancer patients is all about.

Nutrition for Cancer Patients Part 1 – Part 2

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