Nutrition Lessons on Your Health

Preventing and Increasing Cancer Survival

A group of health and nutrition lessons and classes we run is in alliance with the Cancer Project, as part of the Education Alliance Program (EAP). The Cancer Project is a national, non-profit organization based in Washington DC; founded by Dr. Neal Barnard.

Designed by physicians, nutrition experts, and registered dietitians, the nutrition lessons and classes include information about how certain foods and nutrients work to promote or discourage cancer growth, along with cooking demonstrations of simple and healthy recipes that can be recreated easily at home.

For many years, scientists and researchers have been gathering a large body of research on how cancer is influenced by diet. In addition to protecting you from cancer, foods from plants also help you to maintain a healthy weight and help prevent other acute and chronic diseases and illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.

Nutrition Lesson Plans and Who Should Attend

The goal of these cancer nutrition lessons is to empower cancer survivors, their friends, and their family members with easy-to-implement cooking skills that turn every meal into a delicious dose of healthy nutrition. That is what I call natural medicine.

The cancer nutrition lessons and classes are evidence-based and is the ideal diet for disease prevention and reversal. This program is funded by generous donations from students and organizations. Saladmaster generously supplies the foods and cookware used, while Vita-Mix the special blender used for the Cancer Project classes.

In each class, each topic will begin with a short nutrition video, after which quite a number of recipes will be demonstrated. You will be taken through all of the changes you can make on your plate in order to change your health, and how.

You’ll be able to try out and hear about alternative foods and see which ones you like best. All the food we use is organic since some people who are patients undergoing treatment are on some of these classes.

People who apply to attend our nutrition lesson plans for cancer apply for one or more of three reasons:

1. They are trying to prevent cancer and just stay healthy!

2. They already suffer from cancer or have just been diagnosed with cancer.

3. They have been told they have a tumour or lump developing.

4. They have an increased risk of developing cancer, either because someone in the family has it, or because of other risk factors such as hormones, smoking or diet.

Prevention Better Than Cure

I can tell you prevention is the key. The best cure for diseases is prevention. The National Cancer Institute recently concluded that 35 – 60% of cancers in America are attributable to our diet. This number may vary in other countries; but what happens when America sneezes? Most of the other countries get a cold!

America is number 1 obese country in the world; well UK/Britain is number 1 in Europe! We have the highest level of obesity in Europe. And this has been the case for a few years now. We all know that obesity increases the chances of contracting diabetes, cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke and many other lifestyle diseases.

There is so, so much we can do with the food on our plate! I personally have come to realise over the past few years that food is so powerful. Everything we need for our bodies’ subsistence, good health, and increased survival is all in the foods and crops and plants. We are the ones that must find our way back to good health.

You will simply be amazed at the vast amount of other healthy foods and alternative healthy foods there are. The sheer amount and variety of healthier choices that you can increase in your diet or replace any of your unhealthy foods in your diet with is astounding.

You will be taught a simple to way to calculate the amount of fat in foods you buy. All types of fat can stimulate the reproduction of cancerous cells.

You will be introduced to different types of milk. You could well be pleasantly amazed at the different types, which you’ll get to sample and taste too.

Please note that we don’t sell foods or anything else on these nutrition lessons and classes, apart from the book they’re based on.

To attend our Nutrition Lessons in UK, please fill out your information in the form below, and we will contact you as soon as possible with possible dates.

Register below to attend our Nutrition and Healthy Eating Classes

Nutrition Lesson Plans and Healthy Eating Classes in UK Registration

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Class(es) you would like to attend*
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